As usual in, we tell you about the best events for this weekend. From an Electronic music festival to the white sands and clear waters of La Graciosa, this weekend brings you a lot of things to do in Lanzarote.
Ladys Play Jameos Festival
Your weekend starts here! Today at 9:30pm it’s the second show of Jameos Festival, Ladys Play! A tribute to the role of women in electronic music creation. Today the beat will be led by the best national dj for the magazine Rock Delux, Dj Eme (Madrid), accompanied by Silvia Operé, Ibiza Charlotte Moss (UK / Lanzarote) Loan Ho, Italy and VJ Paul Fiuza (Madrid / Lanzarote). You wont’s stop partying till 4:00. Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased per concert (for 25€ each nights) or a twin bonus (40€ for two nights) at the box office of the Centers for Arts, Culture and Tourism (CACT) in the “Casa Amarilla” in Arrecife and online. What to know a plus? Transportation will not be an issue, because the centers offer the opportunity to purchase a travel voucher Arrecife-Jameos del Agua-Arrecife for only 6 euros, departing from the “Intercambiador de Guaguas” (bus station) at 21:00 and the expected return at 04:30 hours. And as a bonus, this Friday afternoon you will have the opportunity to meet these great DJs in a Meet & Greet at the hotel Sands Beach Hotel in Lanzarote at 16:00. And also you can win two pairs of tickets for the night "Motown Club" of August 7, which will be the grand finale of the Jameos festival. Ready to party!
Tinajo X Race
This Saturday the spectacular scenery of Lanzarote hosts another edition of Tinajo X-Race Tinajo, race in which participants test their limits. It is hard drawn in all its forms: Open, Media and Ultra, passing through different surfaces, from volcano, jable, stone, lapilli, which marked a varying pace and where any neglect on the rhythms of competition showed in the final time of it.
There will be two routes:
10 km Open, with Elevation gain 554 meters, which is intended for those who enjoy nature through hiking or are casual runners, and for those who also wish to start in mountain races. It will take place in a maximum time of 3 hours. MEDIA 26km. Total ascent: 1,625 meters. An intense journey with all the challenge of Tinajo X-Race. It is an opportunity for participants to test their ability to longer distances. It is for occasional runners varied surfaces with remarkable physical condition, who want to take on this challenge.
For the kids
Tinajo also includes a Kids Race, which will be on Friday 17 July. All children under 6 years will run for 200 meters. The runners between 6 and 9 years old will double that (400 meters). While children between 9 and 12 will completed four laps (800 meters). The Kids Run will be made in the Plaza de San Roque, they will have to register one hour before departure. What’s required? A dorsal and a smile.
Excursión a La Graciosa a beneficio de la Cruz Roja
Imagine beautiful turquoise and crystal clear waters and white sand. Sounds good, right? Well, add to that a boat trip with food and water activities included, all for a good cause. This Sunday you can do with this with the trip to La Graciosa organized by the Red Cross of Lanzarote. It is an activity for residents who want to spend a different day enjoying the beautiful island of La Graciosa, the largest on in Archipelago Chinijo and, at the same time, helping those most in need. If you have not walked the fine sand of “La Francesa” beach, you don’t know what you're missing! It is a place you will not want to forget, so take go ahead and take your camera to stay with the best Summer Selfie.
The whole package is included in the price of 31 euros for adults and 13 euros for children from 4 to 11 years. Go for it! There are still places. You can call or write to Blanca Ramirez, she organizes activities for the Fundraising department of Red Cross and is available through Whatsapp 629 403 763 to clear your doubts and even gives you facilities to take or collect the tickets. Ah! Besides all this, you’ll get tickets for the “Sorteo de Oro” and if luck is on your side you can win up to 3 millions, nice huh?
Tempo Lanzarote
If what you like are the musical performances, you can’t miss Tempo Lanzarote. The Classical Orchestra Lanzarote seduces you with its presentation of music, dance and lights. It is the second function of this journey through time as the public learns parts of the history of the island through music and images. Tempo Lanzarote are 9 musicians, 17 actors and many surprises that begins at the time of the attacks of pirates who punished the habitants of the island. Tempo are volcano and eruptions, are agriculture and fisheries, demon and drama, struggle and survival, is tourism and Cesar Manrique. Tickets cost 39 euros overall fee, 20 euros for Lanzarote residents o and 31,20 euros for canary residents. Get caught and enjoy Lanzarote Tempo this Sunday. But if you can’t this day, it will be on alternative Sundays at Jameos del Agua on: 2, 16 and August 30, 13 and September 27 and 11 and October 25, always at 12.30.
Fiestas del Carmen
Do you know what are you doing on the Fiestas held in the honor of the Virgin of Carmen? In we tell you about all the activities in the different towns of the island. These maritime festivals are held mainly in coastal towns, but over time have spread and are held by the Spanish people, but in Lanzarote? In Lanzarote they are special. This island with a great fishing tradition look for the best way to honor the Virgin, so there’s a lot of planning and devotion.
Fiestas del Carmen en Playa Blanca
In the south of Lanzarote the party is one of the big ones. The “fiestas del Carmen en Playa Blanca” started on Saturday July 11 and will continue until Monday 20 July. Today you can enjoy the performance of The Faycanes Group from Gran Canaria in Playa Blanca Fairground at 21:30, before the Verbena with the Orchestra Group LD MAMBO SWING. Tomorrow is a varied day, which begins at 10:00 am with the FIRST Playa Blanca SKATE & BMX at the “Parque Mediterraneo”. There are also playgrounds with inflatable mattresses for the youngest in the town's main beach. And the Walk of Adoption, which starts from the Parking Puerto Punta Limones, Playa Blanca, reaching Afre beach, where very cute puppies are waiting to be adopted and seeking a good family. Saturday will close with the concert of Pop-Rock starring versions groups "Ni Más Ni Menos" of Lanzarote and "Tío Matt" from Gran Canaria at the fairgrounds. The end of the journey will be the Verbena with the LD Group and Orchestra KIMERA BAND. The weekend ends with SOLMENTE AND FUNCTION maritime procession accompanied by Parranda del Janubio at 19:00 and then Night of Humor with Comedy Central comedians José Campoy and Cheme Trueba on the showground.
Fiestas del Carmen en Tinajo
Tinajo celebrations of the Virgen del Carmen come with music, variety and sports to La Santa. Today there are a “Play 4 Junior Championship”, an afternoon of beauty "Facial Hydration" and ends the night with the concert by “Emisora Clandestina”. Tomorrow morning, the Junior Football Championship will take place at 10:00 am. And Saturday night, the concert will be in charge of Roberto and Gabriel Cubas. Sunday continues the Junior Football Championship at 17:30 and at 20:30 the concert will be conducted by Maiden, Cuban artist.
Fiestas del Carmen en Valterra
Arrecife, as people with a fishing tradition, the festival of Carmen are deeply rooted. The people of Valterra especially celebrated this Sunday, July 19; day in which the Virgin visit the Insular Hospital and there’s the maritime procession along the coast of Lanzarote's capital. If you're in Arrecife, you can’t miss these festivities.
Fiestas del Carmen La Graciosa
In “La Graciosa” today it will be celebrated the Eucharist at 19:30, followed by Procession to El Sordo and then ending the day with a Fireworks Display. Then there will be the burning of the doll's Italian Calle Garcia Escámez, to finish with the Verbena with the “Dúo Sintonía Show” and Naiyimbe Group on the esplanade of the port. On Saturday there will be an evening of music, dance and fitness with a Zumba masterclass at the boulevard, then a figth in memorial to Marcialuis and ending the day with a concert of Taburiente "40 años y más “ (40 and over). On Sunday July 19th there will be a water verbena with Dj Dj Angel Perez and Dj Furre on the esplanade of the dock at 13:00 hrs. The celebration of Mass is at 8 pm.
Fiestas en honor a Santiago Apóstol y Santa Ana Tahíche 2015
The finale of the “XIX Maratón de Fútbol Sala” will be held at 18:00 in Tahíche stadium, which marks the first part of the weekend in Tahíche. Tahíche celebrates the festivity in honor of “Santiago Apóstol” and “Santa Ana” 2015. There will be Lucha Canaria “XII Memorial Suso Cejas” and to end the day you can enjoy the concert with canarian group Canario Taburiente at 21:30. Tomorrow sport also marks the day with the fourth cyclist rout of mountain bike for young people, covering a distance of 30 kilometers at 9:00am. This Saturday afternoon it will be several folk groups in the “Romería” and offering to “Santiago Apóstol”, ending with the “Gran Baile del Romero” (Great Dance Romero). The "Family Day" is emphasized in the celebration of Holy Mass on Sunday 19 at 11:30 hours. An hour later is the Water Festival and to close the weekend at 21:00 will be the ninth meeting of dance "Dance Tahíche 2015".
4 Godos y 1 Canijo
If what you’re looking for is variety, this Sunday night the Canary islands welcome back la Chirigota del Canijo. The play “4 Godos y 1 Canijo” is presented in the Municipal Theatre of Tias. In this fresh and fun summer version, the audience can enjoy the best of the award-winning history of this group and hear new songs in the Canaries. Whatever you decide to do, do it with a smile and enjoying all that Lanzarote has to offer. And if you don’t want to miss anything, check our Event Calendar in for more details.