Carnival is here! Since the last weekend of january, there are activities for the carnaval. The carnival program starts with a lot of events. Murgas, acts, contests, costumes, parties and more are part of this colourful celebration. And in Lanzarote we celebrate Carnival everywhere, every town has it owns Schedule and carnaval theme: Arrecife and San Bartolome kick off the carnival season, then the party continues in Tías in Puerto del Carmen, Tinajo, with Teguise in Villa Teguise, Costa Teguise and La Graciosa, then Haría and to close it in Yaiza, in Playa Blanca.
Don’t miss any details of these events for the carnivals in Lanzarote. There are activities for everyone, for children and adults, for singles and families. Keep reading to know the themes, information and dates of every municipality.
Happy Carnival! And enjoy, that we have them until march!
Carnival in Arrecife 2016 “A Carnival of Fear”
Programa Arrecife’s Carnival 2016 Friday, January 29 6:30 pm: Arrecife Carnival Proclamation by Alfonso Duro Cabezon. Departure from Cuatro Esquinas with the batucada Villa Pipol and the arrival at Castillo de San Gabriel, with a performance by the orchestra Salsa Verde. Saturday, January 30 8:00 pm: Opening the exhibition “La Vida es Carnaval”(Life is Carnival). At Casa del Miedo. 9:30 pm: Carnival Drag Queen of Arrecife 2016 Election Gala, presented by comedian Javicombé, starring DKB dKuba group. Carp Fairgrounds. Sunday January 3 6:00 pm: Children Murgas contest with a musical performance by Andrea Luzardo and ballet Luis Miguel Aleman. Carp Fairgrounds. Monday, February 1 9:00 pm: First phase of the XXVIII Contest of Murgas Adult Arrecife’s Carnival 2016 with the participation of: Las Inadaptadas, Los Ensalitrados, Los Gorfines and Los Simplones. Murguero stage at Fairgrounds. Tuesday, February 2 9:00 pm: Second phase of the XXVIII Contest of Murgas Adult Arrecife’s Carnival 2016 with the participation of Los Tabletúos, Las Revoltosas, Los Titi Roys, Las Intoxicadas and Los Desahuciados. Murguero stage at Fairgrounds. Wednesday, February 3 9:00 pm: Second phase of the XXVIII Contest of Murgas Adult Arrecife’s Carnival 2016 with the participation of :Las Vacilonas, Las Rebuscadas, Las Pijoletas and Los Desperdigaos. Juan Davila performance with his "Tribute to Queen". Murguero Stage Fairgrounds. Thursday, February 4 10:30 pm: School Carnival, parade from El Charco to Calle Real and back to the Charco, with performances by la charanga de El Cribo and school groups. Then Masterclass "Zumba Zombie" in the Charco de San Ginés. 6:30 pm: Traditional carnival. Parade from Cuatro Esquinas to La Plazuela by the Calle Real with Parranda Los Buches, Los Diabletes from Teguise, papahuevos, cabezudos and charanga. 9:00 pm: Comparsas meeting. With Sur Caliente, Los Yaiseros and Los Cumbacheros. Carp Fairgrounds. Friday, February 5 9:30 pm: School parades. Around the schools in Arrecife. 9:00 pm: XXVIII Contest of Murgas Adult Arrecife’s Carnival 2016 Final, with the participation of the finalists and performances by El Vega. Murguero stage Fairgrounds. Saturday, February 6 12:00 pm: Batucadas and Comparsas parades. From the Marine Park (area of El Reducto) to the Park Canary Islands (next to Arrecife Gran Hotel). Then, the por Carnival, with a performance by DJ Angel Perez, ABBA "The Gold Experience", Treintytantos and Rikabanda. Canary Islands Park. 12:00 am: The Feria de la Tapas (Tapas Fair), Tapas at 1 € in Arrecife. Coll Avenue, opposite the Puente de las Bolas, starring Roxy Joe's Band and DJ Maxi. 5:00 pm.: dancing masqueraders of the elderly. Arrecife Civic Center.
Sunday, February 7 6:00 pm: Children's party and children's costume contest. Fairground Arrecife. Monday, February 8 6:00 pm: Grand Arrecife’s Carnival 2016 Parade, with floats, bands, batucadas, comparsas. From Ciudad Deportiva to the fairgrounds along the Via Medular. Tuesday, February 9 11:30 pm: Children’s little Carnival. Fairground Arrecife. 5:00 pm: “Vive tu talento 2016″ Casting. At “La Recova”. Wednesday, February 10 7:00 pm: Burial of the Sardine. From Parque Islas Canarias to the Parque Marítimo, with murgas, comparsas, batucadas, mascaritas and winning floats.
Carnival Wars in San Bartolomé 2016
Saturday 30th January 9:00pm: Carnival presentation with the dance group “Kdance Emotion” and local groups: Los Guacimetitos, Los Retoñitos, Filarmónica las Revoltosas and Batucada Guayara, in the Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Park. Wednesday 3rd & Thursday 4th February 5:00-7:00pm: Children’s costume workshops “Make your Robot costume”, in the Feliz Rodriguez de la Fuente Park. They can participate in the Best Design contest Saturday 6th as part of the Chinijo Carnival (Children: up to 13 years old) or Junior (from 14 yo). Chinijo Carnival Sarturday, February 6th 4:00 – 6:00 pm: Children’s costume workshops “Make your Robot costume”, Children’s costume workshops Infantil y Juvenil de Reciclado “Realiza tu disfraz de Robot” in the Parque Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente. (Bring your cardboard, tubes, bottles and any recycling materials for making your costume). 5:30 pm: Registration for the Robots Children’s costume competition. (Children: up to 13 years old) or Junior (from 14 years old). Carnival makeup workshop, balloon twisting workshop and Inflatables. 5:00 – 6:00pm: Join the Children's Costume Contest in single categories, partner and group. Age limit 14 years. Maximum number of participants in the category of group 12 people. 6:00 pm: Payaso Pimposo performance. 6:30 pm: Child Costume Contest. Children and Youth Robots Workshop Competition. Tuesday, February 9th 6:00pm Carnival celebration departing from the Football field, passing along the streets Sereno, Rubicon, Severo Ochoa, Avenida Alcalde Antonio Cabrera Barrera, ending at the park Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, with performances by street musicians and bands. Friday, February 12th 5:00 pm: Guachinango Burial with a carnival parade along Avenida de Playa Honda leaving from the Explanada in Guacimeta to Playa Chica (Playa el curita), then Pimposo Clown show and performances of Children Murgas participants, Burning of Guachinango and musical assault.
Carnival in Puerto del Carmen 2016
“La Pasión Tropical" (Tropical Passion)
Thursday 11th February 7:30 pm: Zumba party Puerto del Carmen Carnival, at Plaza del Varadero. 8:30 pm: Top 3 Murgas performance competition in Plaza del Varadero Friday 12th February 8:30 pm: Carnival Great Gala, with the Childrens Comparsas show with Sur Caliente Junior”, la Charanga “Los Gruñones”, la Batucada “Chimbay” and Adult Comparsa “Sur Caliente Adulta”, in Plaza del Varadero. Then, a Verbena Party with orchestra “Otra Clave”, “Kimera Band” and Dj Aitor. Saturday 13th February 5:00 pm: Grand carnival parade on the Avenida de las Playas starting at Barcarola to the end Fariones Beach. 9:00 pm: Verbena party with Los Conejeros, Armonía Show and DJ Ángel Pérez in Plaza del Varadero. Sunday 14th December 11:00 am: Children’s carnival (inflatables, various workshops, etc ...), and performance of Children Murgas in the Plaza del Varadero. 12:00 pm: Carnival Day, starring "Edwin Rivera” (Pepe Benavente) and Rafael Flores "El Morocho", in the Plaza del Varadero.
Carnival in La Graciosa, Costa and Villa de Teguise 2016
Teguise Carnival program 2016 "The Arabian Nights" Friday, February 12 7:00 pm. Carnival Ball. Location: Civic Center Costa Teguise. Thursday, February 18 8:30 pm. Roundtable: “The Traditional Carnaval in Canary Islands” with specialists from these traditions in the House-Museum Timple. Friday, February 19 8:00 pm. Traditional Carnaval: Los Diabletes (Teguise), Los Buches (Arrecife), ONG El Cardero Punto Com (Los Indianos – La Palma), el Mata-la-culebra (Tenerife), Los Cabritos y el Diablo (Aldea de San Nicolás), Los Toros de Taeo (Lanzarote), el Sansusino (Garachico). And traditional mascaritas. 21:30 pm. Performance: Raices Group (Lanzarote). Location: Plaza de los Leones.
Saturday, February 20 5:00 pm. Coso Carnival-Costa Teguise: Diabletes, Murgas, Comparsa, Batucadas, queens, floats, Mascaritas, etc. Location: Departure from Avenida Canary Islands (San Beach) to the Pueblo Marinero. 8:00 pm. Performance " Ni un pelo de tonto " (The Tenerife group Ni un pelo de tonto, official song of the Carnival of Tenerife, rock version of the popular theme of " Santa Cruz en Carnaval") and Rika band orchestras and Sintonía Show. Location: Parking of Nautical Mall. Sunday, February 21 11:00 am. Pets Costume contest. Location: Municipal Tent Teguise. 12:00 pm. Parade through the market of Teguise with groups of traditional and popular carnival. 2:00 pm. Carnival day. Performances: Rock group " Ni un pelo de tonto " (Tenerife). "Bourbon" Group (Lanzarote). Awards carnival mask and paintings. Location: Plaza de los Leones. Carnival Civic Center Costa Teguise Monday, February 15 5:00 pm. Carnival decoration workshop at the Civic Center (we need your help to create the carnival atmosphere breathes in our center. All ages can participate). Tuesday, February 16 5:00 pm. Workshop for making carnival masks. Wednesday, February 17 5:00 pm. Workshop for making percussion instruments from recycled materials. To be used in a parade, around the Civic Center and S.C. Nautical. Thursday, February 18 8:00 pm. Carnival Groups Concentration Nautical Mall and street parade Saturday, February 20 11:00 pm. Children's films at the Civic Center "Carnival in Rio".
Carnaval in Tinajo 2016
II Solidarity Mascaritas Race Tinajo 2016
Go get in shape. A new edition of the Solidarity Race Mascaritas Tinajo 2016 approaches on Saturday February 20th at 11:00 am in the Plaza de San Roque, certainly the most fun race to start the season. The Race is organized by C. B. Tizziri Tinajo for A.F.A. and Association of Civil Protection of Tinajo.
Carnival's Workshops for Children Tinajo 2016
Carnival has arrived and Tinajo is waiting for it. Therefore, the Tinajo Ayuntamiento has planned a series of day workshops for making cardboard "cabezudos" (big heads) in socio-cultural centers of the municipality Tinajo from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm, and the results will be displayed in the Tinajo Carnival parade that will take place on Friday 19 February in the area of the Plaza de San Roque. The Tinajo Carnival Celebration Coso will be held on February 20th.
Carnaval in Haría 2016. The Enchanted Forest
Thursday, February 25 5:00 pm: Carnival partie for the eldery in the Socio-Cultural Center "La Tegala” in Haría. Friday, , February 26 10:00 am. Parade with the participation of students in the CEIP San Juan and IES Haria. 9:00 pm: Murgas Meeting with the participation of the winning murgas in the Arrecife's Carnival Murgas Competition and a guest murga from another island, in the Haría Square. The act will be presented by comedian Matías Alonso. 11:00h pm: Carnival Verbena in Plaza de Haría. Saturday, February 27 12:00 pm: Children's Carnival Day "starring, street bands and students of " Escuela de Bailes Latinos del Norte" in the Plaza of Haria. Then walk of the "Drag Queens" by the square. 6:00 pm:"Carnival celebration" with a parade of floats,murgas, comparsas batucadas and many mascaritas; leaving from the parking of the cemetery to finish in the plaza of Haria. 11:00 pm: Carnival Verbena in Plaza de Haría. Sunday, February 28 1:30 pm:“Carnaval de la Tapa” " starring adult students from the Latin Dance North School, Djs and "Mascarita Dancing " to end the "Burial of the Sardine" in the Haría square.
Carnaval in Playa Blanca 2016
Carnival in Playa Blanca is celebrated the first weekend of March. Playa Blanca Carnival 2016 will be from Friday March 4th to Sunday March 6th. Here you can see the complete schedule: Friday, March 4 8:30 pm. Drag Queen Grand Gala, with performances of the best Drag de Canarias and comparsa YAISEROS in the Plaza de Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen. Then Carnival Verbena with orchestras El Combo Dominicano from Gran Canaria and Grupo Bomba with its orchestra from Fuerteventura in the Plaza de Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen. Saturday, March 5 12:00 pm. CANNAVAL 2016. Dogs for adoption parade, to get them family. Canine costume contest with prizes. Registration: 3 € the same day. Organizers: Huella a Huella and City of Yaiza. 6:00pm: Great Carnival Celebration, with groups, floats and more… Then the Carnival Verbena with orchestras El Combo Dominicano from Gran Canaria and Grupo Bomba with its orchestra from Fuerteventura in the Plaza de Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen. Sunday, March 6 10:30 am: Children's Carnival with live show by the magician Jose Angel and children's show by the association “Creciendo Yaiza” in the Plaza de Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen. 1:30 pm: Carnival Day with performances by the orchestras Tamarindos from Gran Canaria and Grupo Bomba from Fuerteventura and versions groups performances “By The Face” from Gran Canaria and “Inerxia” from Lanzarote in the Plaza de Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen.