If you like Classical music, watch the stars or enjoy the festivities, this weekend brings a little bit of everything in Lanzarote. And as always, in HolaLanzarote.com we tell you about the best things to do this weekend.
1. Night observation in Arrecife
How many times have you stopped to watch the sky this year? Last year? Ever? If you haven’t done it, this Friday is a good day to do it. Gaze at the stars and appreciate the wonders of the universe. That is something we all can enjoy and this July 24 you can do it at the Castillo de San Gabriel. And it's free. Sounds good, huh?
2. Concert by Candlelight in the Charco de San Ginés
Good music and the Charco lit by hundreds of candles. The event says it all. The Classical Orchestra Lanzarote (OCL) organizes this II Concert as a tribute to the Man of the Sea. The event will begin with turning off the lights in the Charco San Ginés and the impressive lighting of hundreds of candles around. This second edition of the concert will provide part of the history of Lanzarote. This year the OCL will also feature percussion instruments and perform two new compositions: "Incursión inglesa en Lancelotto (British Raid on Lancelotto)" and "La hazaña del Militar Monfort (Military Monfort fea)". Also part of the repertoire will include internationally recognized soloists and a group of actors with the historical representation. If you like photography or you are someone who always takes pictures with their mobile, this concert also presents to you the opportunity to participate in the “II Photography Contest Concert by Candlelight in the Charco de San Ginés" (II Concurso Fotográfico “Concierto en Vela”) in order to promote this musical event and show the unique beauty of this presentation. The theme, of course, is the concert, including all preparatory work for the event and the concert itself, where music plays a fundamental role. Images that capture the atmosphere, the beauty of the place, the connection to the sea and the music will be specially appreciated. Everyone can participate, as amateur or professional photographers, provided that they are not members of the OCL and the Commissioner of Competition. The presentation of the photographs should be done before 12:00 hours on August 9, 2015. They must be submitted by email and photographs must be original and unpublished. A maximum of five photographs per participant in jpeg format (larger side is 2,000 pixels are allowed, and lower side as its proportionate format used at a resolution of 300 dpi, in RGB or B / W mode). There will be a special mention for photographs taken with mobile phones or tablets. They will be presented through Instagram and shared with the user @orquestaclasicadelanzarote including the hashtag #IIConciertoVelaLanzarote. The first prize is 300 euros, 150 euros the second and 50 euros the third. The category picture taken with mobile will have another prize, which will consist of a dinner for two people in restaurant in the place of the concert (El Charco de San Gines). In addition a total of 30 photos will be preselected for an exhibition. If you want more information and you are motivated to participate with your photo please enter to the event page “II Concurso Fotográfico “Concierto en Vela” (Spanish).
3. Keep the party going!
This weekend continues the program of the Festival del Carmen in Arrieta, La Santa and on the island of La Graciosa. And also the festivities in honor of St. James and Santa Ana in Tahiche.
Fiestas del Carmen en La Santa
The Fiestas del Carmen in La Santa will have airbeds this Friday at 10:00 hours. In the afternoon there will be a Gymkhana for adults (couples) and at 21: 00h Playback will be in the street Quemao followed by the popular festival with the orchestra New Klan. This Saturday there will be a party “Verbena del Solajero”, with the Swing band and Pepe Benavente at 14:30. In the evening at 19:00 the Popular Run for the coastline and a Zumba Master Class at 21:30. The Verbena will be again Saturday night. The traditional market will be this Sunday at 12:00, the same hour of the “Feast of the mattress” (Fiesta de la Colchoneta) on the boatyard. At 18:00 will be the Mass and procession of boats. Then offering singing and dancing. At 21:00 to end the night with laughter, it will be the evening of humor with the “Gómez and Pérez Show” and then barbecue and “Parranda Majalula” as the ending of the holidays.
Saturday July 25 is the "Popular" race “La Santa” Holy as part of the Fiestas del Carmen in La Santa in Tinajo. The route is 10 kilometers and starts at 19:00 hour.
Fiestas del Carmen en La Graciosa
On Friday 21 at 21:00 it will be the performance of the play "The House of the trouble" (La Casa de los Líos), by the Esperanza Espinola Theatre Group, on the esplanade of the dock. This Saturday “Lanzarote Dance School” will perform at 12:30. And at 20:00 the popular barbecue with the “Parranda Los Valles” and “El Lagar de Teseguite” on the esplanade of the dock. The events end on Sunday, July 26th, with the celebration of the Eucharist, in addition to the projected photographs of the Fiestas del Carmen 2015 and the Photography Award in the Village Hall. The exhibition of photographs of Javier Reyes will be open from July 13th to 15th, and from July 20th to July 24th, at 11 to 13 hours in the Village Hall. Fiestas del Carmen Arrieta 2015 This Friday will begin the “Fiestas del Carmen” in Arrieta and you can start by painting a mural in La Garita beach. It will also be the “Campeonato de bolas” in their various categories.
Saturday at 8:00 will be the output of championship fishing boats from the port of Arrieta. There will also be a workshop on first aid and life guards on La Garita Beach at 10:00 hours and then activities for children. Saturday night you can enjoy the Concert of the group "Ni más ni menos" in the parking lot of “La Garita Beach” at 21:30. To end the Sunday, day of mass, there will theater by theater group "Macher Aficionados".
Fiestas Patronales en honor a Santiago Apóstol y Santa Ana en Tahiche 2015
In Tahiche the festivities are celebrated in honor of St. James and Santa Ana (Fiestas Patronales en Honor a Santiago Apóstol y Santa Ana). On Friday 25 will be the Sixth Guagime Folklore Festival "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow," starring Children's Dance Group CEIP César Manrique Cabrera, “AF Los Campesinos” and “AF Guagime”, and to finish in the popular festival with the orchestra Nueva Estela. Saturday 25 will be the long-awaited procession of the image of St. James from the Hermitage to the Socio Cultural Center at 18:30, before celebrating the Mass of the feast of St. James. Next there will be the image procession through the streets of the village to the Hermitage. At 21:00 hours the exclusive premiere of the single "Go away" by Esther Betancort before the popular festival with the orchestra “Sintonía Show”.
4. III Carrera Solidaria Tahiche (Solidarity Race III Tahíche 2015)
On Sunday July 26 there will be the III Solidarity Race Tahíche 2015, with distance of 6 and 12 kilometers. Departure is from the Cafeteria Cejas at 10:30 hours.
5. Dog walk at the beach in Playa Honda
On Saturday July 25 the “Sara Protectora de Animales” will have the “Dog walk at the beach in Playa Honda”, they will go from the shelter to the beach walking around 10 kilometers to Playacan, the dog beach in Playa Honda. It will start at 9:00 am, calculating arrival time at 12:30h. We're going on beach with our dogs! It will be a different day for the animals away from the cages and remember that you can collaborate adopting a puppy, that surely needs your love and a home. If you want more information visit: Sara Protectora de Animales.