8 Things To Do This Weekend in Lanzarote

8 Things To Do This Weekend in Lanzarote

4. Fiestas de La Peña - Mozaga 2017

Mozaga celebrates the Fiestas de La Peña 2017 this weekend:

Friday, August 4

9:00 pm. Asadero popular (barbecue).

Saturday, August 5

12:30 pm. Colors and water Party with Dj Ángel Pérez.

7:00 pm. Start of the round championship.

8:00 pm. End of the "Envite" tournament.

9:30 pm. Bingo with gifts (for members).

Sunday, August 6

12:00 pm. Mass and Procession in Honor of Our Lady virgen de La Peña.

8:30 pm. Representation of the plays "Se Busca Cocinera" (Looking for a Cook) and "La Casa de los Milagros" (The House of the Miracles) in charge of the Group of Theater Afitionadas de Mácher.

5. Volcan Urban Fest 2017.

The “Volcán Urban Fest 2017” is next Saturday, August 5, at "Casa de la Juventud de Arrecife" on the occasion of the celebration of International Youth Day (August 12), from 11:00 am to midnight.

6. Fiestas de San Roque 2017

Tinajo celebrates the Fiestas de San Roque 2017 until August 16. Here you can see the program for this weekend:

Friday, August 4

5:00 pm. Children's and juvenile Board Games Championship.

6:30 pm. Wine Pairing, exhibition with local products of the municipality (social hall).

8:00 p.m. Male Championships of 2x2, Round, Napolitana and Domino (continues Saturday August 5).

9:00 pm. Reading of the pregón, the history of our bakeries with the representation of each of them "Tinajo la Cuna del Pan" and Hernández and Adrián Pérez (Plaza de San Roque). Then musical performance by Fabiola Fernández, Rayco.

Saturday, August 5

12:00 pm. "Fiesta de la Vendimia Tinajo 2017" (Harvest Festival). Great popular party for the enjoyment of neighbors and visitors. With performances by El Requinto, Los Gurfines son los del norte and El Geito. Then verbena in charge of Atlantis Swing. Plaza de San Roque.

4:30-8:00 pm. Children's animation.

6:00 pm. III Veteran Football Memorial "Alexis Morales", C.D. Tinajo - Lanzarote's Team. Municipal Los Volcanes.

7:00 pm. Prayer of the Holy Rosary and Celebration of the Eucharist.

7. LGTB World Arrecife Festival 2017

LGTB World Arrecife Festival 2017 is this weekend in Arrecife:

Friday, August 4
Casa de la Juventud Arrecife
7:00 pm. Colloquium "Child Transexuality" by Uge Sangil (FELGTB).
8:30 pm. Judgment of the jury in the competition of shorts, contest of drawing and photography contest of LGTB WORLD ARRECIFE FESTIVAL 2017.

Saturday, August 5
7:00 pm. Demonstration for LGTBI + rights around the world. Cabildo of Lanzarote.

CIC El Almacen Square
5:00 pm. Workshops for children and youths by the Shin Sekai association.
9:00 pm. Great Gala with the performances of Descemer Bueno, Aless Gibaja, Kevin Edwards, Kika Lorace, Pupi Poisson, Treintytantos, Drag Luck, Drag Ollín and Lena Evans. Presented by Amor Romeira and Noemi Merino.

8. Activities of "Fiestas de las Nieves" in Haría

"Tenderete Canario" 

On the occasion of the celebration of "Fiestas de Las Nieves", on Saturday, August 5, at 9:00 pm, the VI Tenderete Canario will take place, to the benefit of the Fight Club Union Norte.

The entry of children between 7 and 12 years old will cost 5 euros and for the rest of attendees 10 euros.

The entrance includes food and drink, as well as participation in the different sweepstakes that take place.


Walk to the hermitage of Las Nieves from Punta Mujeres

On Saturday, August 5, there will be a Walk from the village of Punta Mujeres to the hermitage of Las Nieves, at 6:00 am from the Sociocultural Center El Marinero of Punta Mujeres.

The hike has a medium difficulty level (+600 meters positive slope) so it is suitable for people with a minimum physical shape.


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Have a great weekend!

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