12 Things to do this Weekend in Lanzarote

12 Things to do this Weekend in Lanzarote

9. Patrimonial hiking interpreted: "Route between Guinate and Montaña Gayo"

The Cabildo of Lanzarote organizes a new activity of patrimonial hiking interpreted with a route between Guinate and Montaña Gayo. The trail, which is of low difficulty and lasts approximately four hours, will take place this Saturday, April 28, from the Guinate teleclub, at 9:00 am.

10. Coloring Experiences voluntariado Tinajo

Junt@s Somos Biosfera will take to Tinajo the action "Junt@s Coloreamos Experiencias" (Coloring Experiences Together), on Saturday, April 28th, at the senior citizens' residence in San Roque. A design by the muralist Jacobo Cáceres will be recreated by the users of the center and by the volunteers of the program.

11. Fiestas de la Asomada San José Obrero 2018

The Fiestas de la Asomada San José Obrero 2018 take place until the next 1st. of May. Here you can see the complete program:


Friday, April 27th

10:00 am. Puppet and Clown Theatre, for the students of La Asomada - Mácher School, by the company "Cávea Cómica Teatro".

5:00 pm. Popular Games, by the Maramar Association.

7:00 pm. Competition and tasting of desserts (sweet and salty).

8:30 pm. Theatre, by the theatre group "Mácher", with the staging of the play: "Como Antonio López subió a los cielos" (How Antonio López ascended to the heavens).

Saturday, April 28th

10:00 am. Children's Walk, by the Maramar Association.

10:00 am. Handball tournament, organized by Club Balonmano Puerto del Carmen, in the Multisports Court.

9:00 pm. 12th "Montaña de Gaida" Folklore Encounter, with performances by the "Rubicón" and "Atacayte" Folklore Groups of Gran Canaria and then dancing with the "Raíces" Parranda.

11:00 pm. Verbena, with Dj´s, in the tent.

Sunday, April 29th

12:00 pm. Canarian Fight, in the Polideportiva Court.

1:00 pm. Foam party with inflatables, in the parking lots.

8:00 pm. II Song Festival La Asomada 2018.

12. XXI Rallye de Tierra Isla de los Volcanes de Lanzarote

The XXI Rallye de Tierra Isla de los Volcanes de Lanzarote, which will be part of the Spanish Land Rally Championship, will take place on Friday 27 and Saturday 28 of April.

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Have a great weekend!

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